Jenny Rae

In my California our greatest export will be our solutions and our ingenuity, not our people.
Jenny Rae is an accomplished business owner, author, and strategic advisor with a B.A. in Economics from the University of Virginia and an MBA from Columbia Business School.
Jenny Rae co-built tech companies in the energy and financial services industries before purchasing Management Consulted, a private tech-enabled services company. She knows the limitations our state has placed on the American Dream – and she’s ready for us to do better.
Jenny Rae is a frequent presenter at Harvard Business School, the Wharton School of Business, and over 60 other top institutions, and has been quoted in Forbes, Business Insider, and other business publications.
One year ago, in the midst of the many crises gripping California, Jenny Rae said, “Someone should do something.” She modeled her own COVID plan using publicly available data and hosted conversations about the future of public policy.
After meeting with groups around California, she recognized major gaps in both policy and process, leading her to announce her candidacy for Governor of California.